Oasis Spa Closing

Oasis Spa Closing

May 18th, 2024

Dear Valued Oasis Spa Clients,

It is with a mix of emotions that we share the news of the closure of Oasis Spa in historic downtown Lake Wales on May 18th, 2024. For the past two decades, our spa owner, Erika Runkle, has been a beacon of wellness and tranquility in our community. However, like many small businesses across the nation, we face post-COVID challenges that have led to this difficult decision.

While bidding farewell is never easy, we want to express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for being a part of our Oasis family over the years. Your trust, loyalty, and support have been the cornerstone of our success, and we are forever grateful for the memories and connections we have shared.

We also want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to Erika for allowing us the privilege of being part of her spa family. Her unwavering commitment to excellence and passion for serving guests with the ultimate spa experience have left an indelible mark on us all.

As we embark on this new chapter, we want to assure you that our dedication to serving you remains unwavering. Your therapists will be relocating to other venues in downtown Lake Wales, just minutes away from Oasis Spa.

Lanie will continue her healing touch at Preserva Medspa, partnering with their esteemed aestheticians to offer you the full spa experience you've come to cherish. Preserva specializes in holistic wellness, blending physical therapy, fitness, IV treatments, and spa offerings to nurture your body, mind, and spirit.

Meanwhile, Courtney will be pampering you at Posh Suites, nestled alongside talented cosmetologists and nail technicians. Posh Suites boasts a diverse array of beauty and wellness services, with each independent contractor bringing their unique expertise under one roof.

Though our physical location may change, our commitment to providing you with the highest level of care and personalized service remains steadfast. We look forward to welcoming you to our new spaces and continuing our journey together toward wellness and rejuvenation.

With heartfelt gratitude and warmest regards,

Lanie, Courtney, and the Entire Oasis Spa Team